Sunday 18 May 2014

My Student Led Conference

At Student Lead Conference Me and Mum had so much fun! I showed Mum My folder and other things in my box. Me and Mum looked at the waka. My Mums name is Haley and My Dads name is Hemi. My Mum liked My learning stuff! It was AMAZING and COOL and AWESOME! I was proud of My self when I showed my  Mum all of my AWESOME work I had done so far this year. I can't wait to do this again! 


Monday 12 May 2014

Our Play

This is my play and I am Mel in my play. Mel is the little girl she is funny. In the play we have fridge,
microwave, dishwasher, Mel, dad and mum. We were a TEAM we made sure we were
listening to others and we were good readers. After that we took a BIG rest and then we had questions. I know that Nikyla gave us a complement, she said that she liked the way we had talked loud. I hope you like the.......


Saturday 10 May 2014

My reading goal

I'm Abbie and this is my reading goal and I work hard on my reading goal because I want to get a new one.


Thursday 8 May 2014

My new Writing Goal


I have achieved my writing goal


I can correct my spelling mistakes using my detective dictionary.  Can you see the red pen?  I am going to have a go at using the dictionary books in room 6 to find some spelling by myself.